Tuesday, November 1, 2011

C4K Summary Post 2

These kids amaze me with what they post on their blogs. They have some great ideas and do some wonderful research. One of the kids I got assigned to researched their favorite animal and posted about it. One made a post about their class elections for student council. They had some great pictures and you could tell that they had great presentations. I really loved commenting on these kids blogs and seeing what they have to say.


  1. Hi Amelia!
    The C4K posts are my favorite assignments! I love that you can communicate with children from all over and see what they are learning. I will most likely teach my students to blog one day.

  2. Names of the kids? Schools they attend? And the other two?

  3. I could not get back to the list of students that I had to comment on so I did the best I could from memory.
